Paul Horton Photography
2023 | Ver 1.14 - 02092023


Fiona & Paul Horton

We both like going bush, Fiona is a rock hunter and grabs onto anything different that takes her fancy. Travelling around OZ we meet interesting people and go many places where others seldom go. When everything falls into place we pack the van and head for the bush. I design websites ‘on the road’, because I can! I practice SEO and follow marketing and advertising trends so my websites are all out there! To keep doing this means research is constant and at the top of the tree, that alone keep’s the brain active! Rock hunting equipment for Fiona is essential, a few shovels, screens and plenty of buckets. For me it’s two or three cameras, laptop, android tablets, wireless connections, software tools and plenty of solar power. Maintaining websites and electronic database’s on the road consume lots of battery power.

Just for Starters

We have been travelling across OZ for over twenty years since retirement we have special places we return to again and again, but we won’t see the Eulo General Store (above photo) again as it burnt down in July 2011, but we still go back there because it’s a nice place to be. Top left is the Nuccundra Pub which is on the Warry Gate Road on the way to Tibooburra from the north. Top centre is a sunset from White Cliffs Caravan Park taken on one of our many visits and on the right is the bar of the Tilpa Pub when we were there late 2014. Right top is Fiona with my Magellan GPS and she wanted to go back to a specific place where she found ‘old pottery’ fifteen years earlier. Put a new battery in and back to ‘the spot’ again - Fi was over the moon and that old GPS goes with us everywhere now, just in case!
Tilpa Pub GPS took us to same place 15 years later White Cliffs sunset Noccundra Pub Eulo General Store before the fire
AI generated background image very close to MattyB’s tree …….
Paul Horton Photography